Vered Ehsani


I'm a storyteller and content creator.

My personal mission : Create fun, engaging stories that inspire.

Are you looking for a mind-refreshing dip into a realistic yet charmingly fanciful world with quirky, witty characters?  Then sit down with one of my stories, and prepare to be reminded that life can be a delightful place.

I've been a writer since I could hold pen to paper, which is a lot longer than I care to admit. I live in Kenya with my family and other amusing animals. The monkeys in my backyard inspire me to create fun, upbeat adventures with a supernatural twist. 

I enjoy playing with quirky, witty characters who don’t quite fit the ‘normal’ template despite their best efforts. I'm perfectly comfortable exploring the brighter side of human nature.

My first story was about a naughty unicorn. I wrote it out by hand when I was seven years old (this was way before the computer got personal). I illustrated every page with candy-coloured pencil crayons. It was the first and last time I did my own cover art.

I also love developing creative content that convey motivating concepts and fun facts in a user-friendly way. There's no point in broadcasting an important message if the audience doesn't understand it!

Drawing on my commitment to explore life, learn new skills, create meaningful content, and leave a positive impact in the world, I've:

I'm both creative and analytical, and love a challenge. You can find some of my projects over here.


WhatsApp +254-722-328-297

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